Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry

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"Our Lady of Guadalupe & America's Fate" & other upcoming video talks, plus 3 limited-time offers

"Our Lady of Guadalupe & America's Fate" & other upcoming video talks, plus 3 limited-time offers

Dear Friends:


I was humbled and gratified by the kind compliments I received on the last-minute live video broadcast I spontaneously decided to do two days ago on the Feast of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception (December 8) and delivered ad lib via Facebook Live on my public figure Facebook page.


For example, one extremely well-educated priest  and he's a real priest, by the way: properly trained and validly ordained before Vatican II  e-mailed me to say, "I watched the production last evening. Well done! Excellent flowing presentation with solid scriptural basis and lasting pedagogical and spiritual merit. A real tribute to Our Lady."


The recording of this talk, like all my Facebook Live broadcasts, was immediately posted on that same Facebook page and can be accessed and watched 24/7, even if you don't have a Facebook account. If you have trouble finding my "public figure" page on, just type the following URL into your web browser:


and you'll be taken directly to it.


Encouraged by the responses, I plan on doing more of these "one-shot" (in contrast to the different weekly and biweekly series I'm already offering) broadcasts, and am planning to do one this coming Monday, December 12, at 8 pm Eastern Time on "Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Fate of America." Please join us live, or watch it later at whatever time, on whatever day, is convenient for your schedule. 


I also plan to start a YouTube channel and put these and many other video broadcasts on YouTube, for those who prefer that platform.


We are also about to launch an iTunes-type store where people can download mp3 audio versions of ALL my CDs and videos — something I have been hoping to do for a long time. Some of these downloads will be free, others will be available for purchase. I'll let you know when that download center is open for business, hopefully later this month.


And don't forget the weekly broadcasts I mentioned a couple of paragraphs ago:

1) Every Wednesday and Saturday evening at 8:30 pm Eastern Time, please go to my "public figure" Facebook page to join us for the next Facebook Live broadcast as we go through Sr. Mary Consilia O'Brien's book Christian Social Principles.


The next session is of course tonight (Saturday, December 10), for those who wish to watch it live and interact by texting me their questions and comments during the broadcast. If that time doesn't work for you, you can still watch the recording whenever you like. Tonight we'll be discussing chapter 2 of the book.


Need a copy of the book we're discussing? As I’ve previously mentioned both on this website ( and on my Facebook page, a couple of my online students have scanned the entire 640-page book written by Sr. O’Brien into a free PDF that you can download here:…/Christian%20Social%20Principles.pdf

or here:…/Christian%20Social%20Pr….


Also as previously stated, nicely-bound photocopies of this comprehensive, world-class, 640-page book are also available from me for $30 plus $7 Priority Mail shipping and handling. Contact me at or (570) 969-1724 if you wish one.

strongly suggest you read each chapter of the book before each lecture, as it might take you a couple of passes through the material for you to fully take it all in.

2) And don't forget that every Sunday evening at 8:30 pm Eastern Time a small group of us meet by Skype to discuss the readings of the previous week in Dom Guéranger's The Liturgical Year. This is also simultaneously broadcast on Facebook Live so that I have a recording of it that I can immediately post for people to be able to watch whenever. You're welcome to join either the Skype group (if you have, or wish to open, a free Skype account: see below), or simply watch (and interact with your texts) on Facebook Live.


Last Sunday was our first session in which we discussed the readings for the First and Second Sundays of Advents as well as the readings for the intervening weekdays. Tomorrow (Sunday, December 11) we’ll discuss the readings for the second week of Advent (starting with this past Monday's readings), culminating in and including the readings for the Third Sunday of Advent, and so forth on each successive Sunday.

Dom Guéranger's 15-volume masterpiece can be purchased from our online store at This justly-famous Catholic resource would make an unparalleled Christmas present for your entire family, but open it early so you can join us for our discussions of the readings during Advent!


A generous donor in Alabama (say a Hail Mary for Gary and his loved ones) has donated $250 to make it possible for five customers to order a set of The Liturgical Year from our store at a $50 discount each, dropping the 15-volume set's price from $249 to only $199. (That's less than $13.27 a volume, each of which generally has anywhere from 400 to over 600 pages!) Two people have already taken advantage of this special offer, but there are three sets left at this drastically reduced price, so order RIGHT AWAY if you want one for Christmas!


You can also read it online at:


It is even more imperative (than in the case of the Wednesday and Saturday lectures on Christian Social Principlesthat you read these readings before each meeting, because (unlike the Wednesday and Saturday meetings where we read the text of that week’s chapter in Sr. O’Brien’s book in full, as well as comment upon it), we will NOT be reading the full text of the readings of Guéranger during the Skype session; we will presume people are already familiar with the readings and will simply be discussing them (although obviously we’ll be quoting passages we think need to be emphasized or are worthy of particular comment).

If you wish to actively participate in these discussions of Guéranger you will need to open up a Skype account if you don’t already have one (just go to to set up a free account and download the free app), and then you must send a contact request to my Skype handle (Gerry Matatics) so that I can include you when I place the call to the participants at the beginning of the session.

But again, these Sunday evening discussions of Guéranger's life-changing work are simultaneously broadcast on Facebook Live as well, for the sake of those who cannot meet with us at that time but would like to benefit from the discussions by watching the recordings later.

Two quick final notes on the other two offers I made during my broadcast on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8:


1) Anyone purchasing from my online store ( my 2-CD set on "Every King Has A Queen Mother: Biblical Foundations of Catholic Teaching about Mary" between now and Christmas will automatically receive a FREE copy of my latest CD on "Submitting to the Social Kingship of Christ: The Radical Surgery That Alone Can Save Our Nation." That's an $11.95 value, absolutely FREE!


2) Anyone purchasing $50 or more from my online store between now and Christmas will receive a FREE copy of the aforementioned 2-CD set, "Every King Has A Queen Mother: Biblical Foundations of Catholic Teaching about Mary." That's a $17.95 value, absolutely FREE!


Best wishes for a grace-filled Advent to you and yours! 

Your servant in Christ our coming King and Mary our Queen,

Gerry Matatics


Updated On: December 10th, 2016

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July 27th, 2024

Donations are to Gerry Matatics as a speaker and writer, dba ("doing business as") Biblical Foundations International (BFI). BFI is not a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, and donations to it are not tax deductible as such.

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