Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry

Welcome to Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry We are an International Catholic Biblical Institute dedicated to exploring and explaining the Biblical Foundations for the Catholic Faith.

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Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the loving, self-sacrificing, hard-working mothers in our lives -- and throughout the world. None of us would be here if it weren't for you, and we appreciate you more than words can express.

Above all, may we honor the woman who in humility and obedience to God was willing to embrace the calling to be the Mother of God Incarnate Himself: Mary of Nazareth. To accept that calling was to accept a cross of unimaginable sacrifice and sorrow, and that in turn yielded a crown of unimaginable glory and joy.

Yours in Christ our Risen King and Mary our matchless Queen Mother,

Gerry Matatics 

Updated On: May 14th, 2017

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September 10th, 2024

Donations are to Gerry Matatics as a speaker and writer, dba ("doing business as") Biblical Foundations International (BFI). BFI is not a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, and donations to it are not tax deductible as such.

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