Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry

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Announcing a FREE Skype study group on Catholic Social Teaching

Announcing a FREE Skype study group on Catholic Social Teaching


Dear Friends:

Join us tonight (Sunday night, Nov 20) at 8:15 pm Eastern Time as we begin in earnest a FREE online discussion group that will be reading through the magnificently instructive 640-page book Christian Social Principles by Sister Mary Consilia O'Brien, O.P., Ph.D..


In addition to local (Scranton PA) people gathering for the reading and discussion, so far about ten others across the country, from the west coast to the east, are joining us via Skype, the free videoconferencing app. (Download it from if you don't already have it.) Skype allows up to 25 people to participate in a video call.


Unlike those physically present in the room, those joining us by Skype didn't yet have a copy of the book when we had our initial orientation gathering last Sunday (Nov 13). So we deliberately spent most of the time in that first session simply adding people to the Skype call, one at a time (people kept joining throughout the hour), greeting each other, working the kinks out of the audio and video, discussing in general terms why we're studying this book at this critical juncture of American political history, and in the final minutes only reading and briefly discussing the first page of the book's Introduction by Fulton J. Sheen. So don't hesitate to join us tonight, because you haven't missed much yet. 


From this point forward, each week for one hour, from 8:15 to 9:15 pm Eastern Time, over the next three months, we’ll be discussing this book  two chapters a week, hopefully. (The book has 24 chapters.)


It is a masterful book by a masterful teacher  the best textbook I have found so far that lays out the philosophy of Catholic social teaching on politics, economics, etc, in a clear, comprehensible, logical, step-by-step fashion, drawing on Sacred Scripture, the teaching of the Catholic magisterium, and the tried and tested principles and method of St. Thomas Aquinas.


There are currently no copies available of this book anywhere online for purchase. I can sell you a bound photocopy of the book, if you’re interested. It costs me $25 (ink, paper, binding) to produce, plus $7 Priority Mail shipping & handling. (It weighs almost two pounds.)


It also takes me an hour to make a copy, bind it, etc.. Since I have a large family to feed and therefore can't really afford to spend my days making products and then just giving them away at cost, if you'd like to throw an additional $5 my way as a 20% "tip" (that's what I typically give servers when I eat out in a restaurant), and as a small symbolic token of appreciation for my time, I'd be most grateful. I believe $5 an hour is below minimum wage, even by President-elect Trump standards.  :)


You can use the PayPal button here on my website to send me the $37 — or $32, if for some reason you can't find it in your heart to afford me the $5 "tip."


Or you can call me at (570) 969-1724 to provide me with your credit card (Visa, MC, or Discover) information: card number, expiration date, 3-digit security code on back of card, name EXACTLY as it appears on card, and billing address.


Or you could mail a check made out to “Gerry Matatics” or “Biblical Foundations International” to PO Box 569, Dunmore PA 18512, though that will obviously take longer for me to receive.

I can make and mail you a copy today, if you like. Just use PayPal or call me with the aforementioned credit card info.


In the meantime, I've posted on my public Facebook page a photo album with screen shots of all the pages of the book up through the end of the second chapter so you can read them and be prepared for tonight's discussion. Since it's a public page, people don't need a Facebook account to see it: they can just use their web browser to go to and type "Gerry Matatics" in the search field on the top left of the page to be taken to my "public figure" Facebook page.


If you’d like to join us, email me your Skype “handle” (when you sign up for Skype you're asked to register a user name or email address as a way of identifying yourself) and I'll include you when I Skype call the others at 8:15 pm Eastern Time tonight.


Perhaps I’ll see you tonight! If that time doesn't work for you, instead of joining that FREE discussion group we could set this up as a one-on-one course you could pay me to teach you through our St. Hermengild Online College. Or you could simply purchase a photocopy of the book and read it on your own.


Whatever you choose to do, may you  and each one of us  serve as a gracious, courageous, and well-instructed ambassador representing Christ our King to our nation.


Yours in Christ the King and Mary our Queen Mother,

Gerry Matatics

Updated On: November 20th, 2016

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February 9th, 2025

Donations are to Gerry Matatics as a speaker and writer, dba ("doing business as") Biblical Foundations International (BFI). BFI is not a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, and donations to it are not tax deductible as such.

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