Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry

Welcome to Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry We are an International Catholic Biblical Institute dedicated to exploring and explaining the Biblical Foundations for the Catholic Faith.

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The Hard Truth


Dear Friends:


From now on, I will be doing Facebook Live broadcasts, approximately an hour long in length, every single Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evening at 9 pm Eastern Time, unless I specify otherwise.


Dear Friends:


As I’ve done every night this week, I will again be broadcasting on my public figure Facebook page (  tonight (Thurs, Oct 31) at 9 pm Eastern Time, continuing my series in commemoration of the Feast of Christ the King this past Sunday.


Dear Friends:


Just a heads-up that I intend to do a Facebook Live broadcast again tonight (Tues, Oct 29) at 9 pm ET, God willing.


As with last night... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Jonah broadcast re-scheduled

Dear Friends:


Due to a financial crisis I am struggling to manage at the moment, I regretfully find myself unable to broadcast the next installment of my Facebook Live series on the Old Testament book of Jonah tonight (Mon, Oct 21).


Though this week is unusually hectic for me, by jugglin... Read more

Date Added: Monday, October 21, 2019

New broadcast series on Jonah starts Monday, Oct 7, 9 pm ET

Dear Friends:

As promised in last week's Facebook Live broadcast (Monday, Sept 30, Feast of St. Jerome, patron saint of Biblical studies), I will be launching a new series of weekly Facebook Live broadcasts on the short (four chapters) Old Testament book of Jonah starting Monday, October 7, at 9 pm ET, and continuing each Monday evening at that same time (God willing).

The two weekly series I had started long ago -- the Old Testament one on Genesis, and the New Testament one on the Gospel of St. Mark -- which had to be interrupted due to my wife's illness with Stage 4 cancer, culminating in her death earlier this year (March 24, Feast of St. Gabriel the Archangel) -- will resume next month (November), after the 4-part series on Jonah concludes. Each one will be on a diffe... Read more

Date Added: Sunday, October 06, 2019

Blessed Easter!

A Blessed Easter, everybody! Jesus Christ is risen from the dead!

I've been keeping in touch during the past several months, not through this website, but through my public figure Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to visit the page: just aim your web browser at

That is where I announced the passing of my lovely wife Leslie on March 24, exactly four weeks ago today, and also where I announced that my free Facebook Live broadcasts (which you can view whenever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) will finally resume this week, with three special broadcasts on Easter and the Resurrection. Details about dates and times will be posted there over the next couple of days.

... Read more

Date Added: Sunday, April 21, 2019


Dear Friends:


Most of you, I presume, have read my previous, but apparently all-too-infrequent (to judge from the number of people regularly requesting more information, and more often) posts about my dear wife’s health crisis.


Dear Friends:

My wife, who seemed no worse earlier this evening than she has been over the past 2-3 months of her mysterious illness, frantically texted me tonight to rush home from my meeting downtown because she thought she was dying and wanted me to take her to the hospital emergency room.
Dear Friends:


I have been rushing and struggling all day to be able to broadcast tonight at 9 pm Eastern. It’s not going to happen.


My wife is still an invalid, with no improvement, an... Read more

Date Added: Friday, June 01, 2018


Dear Friends:


I pay so little attention to secular holidays, I forgot today was Memorial Day. We weren’t able to get together for a family time yesterday, and apparently some of you are expecting to enjoy the same today (as we are), so we’ll broadcast tomorrow and Wednesday (May 29-30) at 9 pm instead of tonight and tomorrow.

Dear Friends:


You will recall that last Saturday evening (May 19) I was not able to do our weekly 9 pm Eastern broadcast from my public figure Facebook page on that week’s readings from Dom Guéranger’s “The Liturgical Year,” because I was at a 6 pm graduation ceremony for my son out here in southern California while it was 9 pm back there on the East Coast.


[Please read this post all the way to the end. Thank you!]


Dear Friends: 


"THE SCHOOL OF PSALMS" RE-OPENS TONIGHT (Thurs, May 10) at 9 pm Eastern with a Facebook Live broadcast on Psalm 31 (32 in a non-Douay-Rheims Bible).


Tune in as well for some updated information about my lecture tour of California which starts next week.


Dear Friends:


I was really looking forward to broadcasting tonight (Monday, April 30): I was going to read you some fascinating passages out of three books that I’m pretty sure none of you have probably read from — or perhaps even heard of — even if you’ve been a “traditionalist” Catholic for many years.

Dear Friends:


As I mentioned at the end of last night’s broadcast, I thought unlikely that I’d be able to broadcast again tonight (Friday) at 9 pm, due to an evening book sale my wife and I need to go to. (We also went to one this morning, and will be away for much of the day tomorrow attending a large used book sale over an hour away.)

Dear Friends:

Tonight (Thurs, April 26, 9 pm Eastern) our Facebook Live broadcast series on “Does Sedevacantism Contradict Classic Church Teaching?” continues with:

Dear Friends:

I just received a fresh challenge to the “sedevacantist” position which I have espoused since 2005. 

Dear Friends:


Please tune in to my public figure Facebook page tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 24) at 9 pm Eastern for a very special broadcast on the topic, “Can ‘Sedevacantist’ Catholicism Be Squared with the Church’s Teaching about a Perpetual Hierarchy Until the End of Time?”

Dear Friends:


I’m still struggling to complete all my tax returns — federal, state, city, and merchant — so that I can race downtown to mail them by tonight’s 7 pm deadline. I appreciate your prayers. (And we’re in the midst of another hours-long snowstorm as I type this, to boot — in mid-April, no less!)

NOTE: My Facebook Live Broadcast tonight (Thurs, Apr 12) on Guéranger’s “Liturgical Year” will be at our regular broadcast time — 9 pm Eastern time — not at 8 pm as proposed last night.  


TOMORROW (FRIDAY, APR 13): catch-up Guéranger broadcast on LAST week’s (Easter Week) readings


Dear Friends:


My deepest apologies, but several unexpected phone calls today and other unforeseen factors have combined to unfortunately push my Saturday must-do list of several items a couple hours forward, so that it now invades the time I had set aside for broadcasting tonight.


Dear Friends:


First of all, Happy Easter! Let’s all remember that Easter isn’t over just because Easter Sunday was yesterday: just as Christmastide is a 40-day liturgical season, as is Lent (which is 46 days if you add the six interspersed Sundays), so Easter (the chief feast of the year) is actually a glorious and joyous 50-day season, only ended by Pentecost Sunday (the latter then initiating the next liturgical season, Whitsuntide, which extends until the liturgical year... Read more

Date Added: Monday, April 02, 2018



Dear Friends:


Please recall what I mentioned in my final broadcast on “The Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross” series yesterday: due to the rigors of Holy Week, our regularly scheduled Saturday evening weekly broadcast to discuss the week’s readings in Dom Guéranger’s “The Liturgical Year” (in this we... Read more

Date Added: Saturday, March 31, 2018



Dear Friends:


This has easily been the most hectic Holy Week I’ve ever had, with an unforeseen convergence of so many unexpected (and inconveniently timed) events piling up on me this week.


Read more

Date Added: Thursday, March 29, 2018


Dear Friends:


In preparing for the broadcast I was going to do tonight, I kept coming up against the fact that Our Lord’s fifth word from the cross (John 19:28: “I thirst”) and His sixth word (John 19:30: “It is consummated”) are inextricably intertwined and should be discussed together: there is only one verse between them, and the identical Greek word translated “It is... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, March 27, 2018



Dear Friends:


Due to an impossibly busy schedule this week, my preparations for our regular Saturday evening Facebook Live broadcast to discuss the week’s readings in Dom Guéranger’s Liturgical Year are not quite completed.


Dear Friends:

Tonight (Wed, March 21) on my public figure Facebook page begins an exciting new series of Facebook Live broadcasts on the Lenten theme of... Read more

Date Added: Wednesday, March 21, 2018



Dear Friends:


I’m grateful to God for the handful of orders that have trickled into my online store ( Dear Friends:


Ever have one of those days where things didn’t quite go as planned? (Happy Feast of St. Joseph, by the way!)


Today was one of those days for me. Appointments, commitments, and other erra... Read more

Date Added: Monday, March 19, 2018

Conclusion of this weekend’s Guéranger broadcast: tomorrow (Mon, Mar 12), NOT tonight

Dear Friends:


As those of you know who watched last night’s Facebook Live broadcast, by the end of the hour we had only got halfway through this past week’s readings in Dom Guéranger’s The Liturgical Year (Sunday through Tuesday’s readings, to be exact). I therefore said we’d continue and conclude our discussion tonight, i.e., Sunday night, at 9 pm (Eastern).

Dear Friends:


I mentioned in last night’s Facebook Live broadcast that I would need to take an additional “admin day” this week (i.e., take the day off from preparing for a broadcast, as well as the evening off from broadcasting), either tonight or tomorrow, in order to catch up on other urgently pressing duties.

Dear Friends:


With another severe winter storm about to begin here tonight (another 12 hours of snowfall expected, totaling several inches) and the governor of Pennsylvania already declaring in advance a state of emergency, our family will be fully occupied this evening battening down the hatches, running to the store for ... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Next Broadcast is TONIGHT (Thurs, Mar 1), NOT Tomorrow

Dear Friends:


At the end of yesterday evening’s (Wed) broadcast I had stated that I would NOT broadcast tonight (Thurs, March 1), taking Thursday as my “admin day” this week to continue to catch up on correspondence and paperwork, and would broadcast next on Friday.



Dear Friends:


As those of you know who watch my weekly Saturday evening Facebook Live broadcasts discussing that week’s readings in Dom Guéranger’s “Liturgical Year,” last night we only had time to cover about half of the week before the hour was up.


Dear Friends:


My neck is still painfully injured from my wiping out on an icy sidewalk in Dunmore the day before my departure on the trip Monday last week, and consequently I slept very poorly last night, being awakened by the pain every couple of hours.


Dear Friends:


As I mentioned several times in my Facebook Live broadcasts last week, I am currently out of the country from Tuesday, February 6 through Monday, February 12.



Dear Friends: 


I already stated the following in last night’s Psalms broadcast, but am posting it here in written form for the benefit of any who don’t watch that Psalms series (or who do but may simply not have watched it last night), but only view the Saturday broadcasts on Dom Guéranger’s The Liturgical Year.

Read more

Date Added: Saturday, January 13, 2018



Dear Friends:


I reserve the right to, from time to time, pre-empt my “regularly scheduled broadcasting” on my Facebook public figure page to bring you a special broadcast event, just to keep things interesting and exciting.



Dear Friends:


I had promised, on one of the final days of 2017, that starting in 2018 I’d post a weekly memo here each Sunday informing you of current projects. Today being the first Sunday of 2018, here is that memo.


Dear Friends:


Our very warmest wishes to everyone — but especially our deeply-appreciated donors (without whom this apostolate, Biblical Foundations International, couldn’t continue to proclaim, explain, and defend the classic Catholic Faith throughout the world), customers, friends, interested parties, and all people of good will (Luke 2:14) — for a... Read more

Date Added: Monday, December 25, 2017

My Free Advent/Christmas Gift to You -- and more!

Happy Feast Day … New CDs … New weekly bulletins from me … Facebook Live Videos resume on Sat, Dec 9 … Free Advent/Christmas gift for you: one free hour lesson (or TWO!) on any topic you like!


Dear Friends:


Dear Friends:


With mere minutes left before my intended 9 pm broadcast tonight on “The Kingship of Christ and the Problem of Protestantism,”  I am unfortunately still busy helping my oldest son an... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Feast Day of Christ the King!


Dear Friends,


This apostolate, Biblical Foundations International, has many patron saints: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Empress of the Americas; St. Jerome, patron of Biblical studies; St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of Catholic philosophers and of Catholic education; St. Robert Bellarmine, patron of polemics a... Read more

Date Added: Monday, October 30, 2017

To honor Our Lady of Fatima: two free CDs!


Dear Friends:

In honor of Our Lady of Fatima, and today’s 100th anniversary of her final apparition to the three seers on October 13, 1917, I am offering a free... Read more

Date Added: Saturday, October 14, 2017

Free Bible courses: offer expires Sunday midnight!


Dear Friends:


This Saturday, September 30, is the feast of St. Jerome, patron of Biblical studies and chief patron saint of this lay apostolate, Biblical Foundations International.



Dear Friends:


Happy Feast Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary!


Dear Friends:


Happy Feast Day of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! (It’s also the birthday of one of my lovely daughters.)


Unfortunately my severe throat infection has now morphed into a phase where I can only speak in a scratchy, semi-laryngitis wheezy whisper, which would be as painful for you to listen to as it would be for me to engage in for an hour! The F... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Happy Feast Day of the Assumption!

Happy Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!


I had hoped (much against my better judgment; I’ll explain in my next post what I mean by this) to finally resume my free Facebook Live broadcasts this evening with a special broadcast discussing Our Lady’s Assumption and its practical value in our daily lives (much as I had done a broadcast on December 8 on the dogma of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception).


Dear Friends:

A blessed Trinity Sunday to you all! I know most Catholics would understandably pick Christmas, Easter, or perhaps some other feast as their favorite day on the liturgical calendar, but today is MY favorite feast day, for a very important reason I’ll share in my next post and my next Facebook Live broadcast. I&rsq... Read more

Date Added: Sunday, June 11, 2017

Welcome, Philomena Rita Marie Matatics!

I'm delighted to announce that our first grandchild, Philomena Rita Marie Matatics, was born at 9:20 pm tonight (Thursday, June 8). She and her proud parents, our son and daughter-in-law, are all doing great, thanks be to God.

We appreciate very much your prayers. Thanks, and God bless!


Dear Friends:

On this Memorial Day Weekend, let’s also not forget the “veterans” of the spiritual warfare that constantly (though often invisibly) swirls around us, and has been doing so since the fall of Lucifer from heaven and his successful sabotage of the human race by infecting us with... Read more

Date Added: Sunday, May 28, 2017

Guéranger on hold; Rosary broadcasts resume

I've been mulling over what to do about the Wednesday night (9 pm Eastern) Facebook Live broadcasts (with simultaneous Skype sessions) on Dom Guéranger’s “The Liturgical Year” while the person who originally asked me to do that series, and for whose benefit the series is primarily done, is in France for the new two Wednesdays.

As th... Read more

Date Added: Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the loving, self-sacrificing, hard-working mothers in our lives -- and throughout the world. None of us would be here if it weren't for you, and we appreciate you more than words can express.

Above all, may we honor the woman who in humility and obedience to God was willing to embrace the calling to be the Mother of God Incarnate Himself: Mary of Nazareth. To accept that calling was to accept a cross of unimaginable sacrifice and sorrow, and that in turn yielded a crown of unimaginable glory and joy.

Yours in Christ our Risen King and Mary our matchless Queen Mother,

Gerry Matatics 

Date Added: Sunday, May 14, 2017

Change in Facebook Live broadcast schedule

If you watched this past Wednesday’s Facebook Live broadcast on Dom Guéranger’s “Liturgical Year” you’ll know we planned to have an “overflow” broadcast tonight (Sat, Apr 22). Sadly, that broadcast must now be postponed, for reasons I will explain in a lengthier and extremely important post I’ll put up here later this weekend.


Our discussion of “The Liturg... Read more

Date Added: Saturday, April 22, 2017

Blessed Easter!

A Happy, Blessed, and Grace-infusing Easter to all! May the Risen Christ empower us to experience His victory in every area of our lives!

Because I'm still frantically working on my income taxes (due this Tuesday, the 18th), I am postponing tomorrow night's usual Monday night Facebook Live broadcast on Dom Guéranger's "The Liturgical Year" until our next regularly-scheduled broadcast evening, which is this Wednesday (April 19th) at 8:30 pm. See you then! 

Yours in Christ our Risen King,

Gerry Matatics 

Date Added: Sunday, April 16, 2017



What? No Facebook Live broadcast tonight (Fri, March 17)?


When Winter Storm Stella, which began Monday night (now I finally understand why Marlon Brando’s character, Stanley Kowalski — with hands painfully pressed against his temples — repeatedly screamed “Stella!” in “A Streetcar Named Desire”), was at its height on Tuesday, nobody (at least where I live) wa... Read more

Date Added: Friday, March 17, 2017

Snowmaggedon causes cancelation

As those who live in the northeast USA (or follow the news) already know, we're in the midst of a non-stop blizzard that started late Monday night, depositing more than an inch of snow every hour. The storm has already thus dumped several feet of snow here in Scranton, and it's still coming down.

The governor of PA has declared a state of emergency, and for two days so far we've had schools, banks, even post offices closed with no mail delivery, people told to stay off the roads (many of which aren't plowed anyway), etc.

I just spent over two hours shoveling the unwanted effects of global warming in the vain attempt to exhume my minivan from having been completely buried in snow, and it's already being covered up again. The wind chill factor is below zero and the temperatures won't get above freezing until Fri... Read more

Date Added: Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Apology for Friday's technical difficulties; Rosary series re-launches Sunday, Mar 12, 8:30 pm Eastern

Please accept my apologies for the technical difficulties we experienced last night (Fri, Mar 10) during the 8:30 pm broadcast of my first talk in the series on “The Biblical Foundations of the Rosary.”
Up until this week I had been doing my Facebook Live broadcasts from my bedroom, which is only one room away from the second floor hallway where our WiFi router is located.

Dear Friends:


As I mentioned in my post of this past Monday, March 6, my series of broadcasts on the first five mysteries of the rosary begins TONIGHT, March 10, at 8:30 pm Eastern, and continues on Saturday, March 11; Sunday, March 12; Wednesday, March 15; and Friday, March 17 — all at 8:30 pm. 


Read more

Date Added: Friday, March 10, 2017

Gueranger TONIGHT, special broadcast WEDNESDAY

Dear Friends:


I frequently ask for feedback and suggestions from my Facebook Live broadcast viewers, and am always glad when I receive some.


Those who look forward to my Monday night broadcasts (8:30 pm Eastern, as are all my broadcasts on all other nights) on the readings in Dom Guéranger’s The Liturgical Year for the prec... Read more

Date Added: Monday, March 06, 2017

Changes to Broadcast Schedule & Content

1. The special Facebook Live broadcast I had previously announced would occur tonight (Sat, Mar 4) at 8:30 pm has been re-scheduled for Monday, March 6, 8:30 pm. This is an extremely vital, urgent, and time-sensitive topic — impacting many people’s personal lives, families, and the culture at large — that I’ve been asked to address, which will require an additional amount of preparation over the weekend.


2. There will therefore be NO Facebook Live broadcast tonight or tomorrow night (Sun, Mar 5)Read more

Date Added: Saturday, March 04, 2017

New series on the Rosary to start Monday, March 6

Tonight (Fri, Mar 3) at 8:30 pm Eastern on my public figure Facebook page we'll continue our broadcasts discussing atheism. The special series of Facebook Live broadcasts on the rosary (on a new but yet-to-be-created dedicated Facebook page) will not start until this coming Monday, March 6.
Date Added: Friday, March 03, 2017

Important Announcement



So much work piled up during my trip to Ohio, I'm still frantically catching up on study, (much-needed) sleep, and spending important time with my family, who (astonishingly) actually seemed to miss me during the three days I was gone this week. (Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only nights I don't broadcast, and my family didn't have me either night last week: Tuesday because I was doing laundry and gathering stuff to pack for the trip -- all night, in fact -- and Thursday because I was in Ohio Wednesday through Friday.)

Dear Friends:

To keep my Gerry Matatics public figure Facebook page from being cluttered any further with a disorganized jumble of videos of several different lecture series (over 50 Facebook Live broadcasts so far!), I'm setting up some "sister" Facebook pages, each dedicated to a specific video series: one for the Monday night lecture series on "The Liturgical Year," one for the Wednesday night series on "Christian Social Principles," and one for the Friday night series on "Catholic Dogmatic Theology." The videos currently residing on my Gerry Matatics Facebook page ... Read more

Date Added: Saturday, February 04, 2017

Important update on three new FREE online courses: Old Testament, New Testament, and Dogmatic Theology


IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since posting the original version letter below eight days ago (Jan 13), I've had to make one slight and temporary but necessary modification to the January schedule. As I mentioned in my Facebook Live broadcast this past Wednesday, this evening's 8:30 pm Eastern time broadcast (Sat, Jan 21) will NOT be the debut of the Old Testament class, but instead will be part two of this week's broadcast on Dom Guéranger's The Liturgical Year, in an attempt to get caught up before next Monday's (Jan 24) regularly scheduled weekly Guéranger broadcast. The Old Testament class will debu... Read more

Date Added: Friday, January 13, 2017

URGENT: Tonight's broadcast re-scheduled

Dear Friends:

If you watched my Facebook Live broadcast yesterday evening of session 6 of our series on Dom Guéranger’s Liturgical Year, you know that I said at the end of it that we would have a follow-up broadcast tonight (Tues, Jan 3, 8:30 pm Eastern) to attempt to catch up by discussing the readings from Christmas Day to the Feast of the Circumcision (Jan 1).

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me, my wife — not knowing I was going to sponta... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Christmas Greetings & Upcoming Broadcast Reschedulings

Dear Friends:

A Blessed Christmastide to you all! May we never lose our sense of wonder and awe at the staggering self-humiliation of our God, that the Infinite would stoop to become an Infant ... the Omnipotent a helpless baby ... the Creator a creature ... in order to become our Kinsman-Redeemer, so that He could suffer and die to bring us the salvation that we could never achieve on our own (Hebrews 2:... Read more

Date Added: Sunday, December 25, 2016

Upcoming Broadcast Reschedulings

1. Due to many urgent tasks that must be completed today and this evening, I regretfully will NOT be able to broadcast on Facebook Live this evening (Tues, Dec 20) Part 2 of my presentation on "Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Fate of America." Instead, I am pushing that ahead one week to the following Tuesday, Dec 27, at 8:30 pm Eastern.

2. As for my ongoing series Wednesday and Saturday nights on "Christian Social Principles," I will be broadcasting, at its regularly scheduled date & time of tomorrow evening (Wed, Dec 21) at 8:30 pm Eastern, the next session (lecture 7). However, I will NOT broadcast the following session (lecture 8) on what would normally be its regularly scheduled date of Saturday, since ... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"Our Lady of Guadalupe & America's Fate" & other upcoming video talks, plus 3 limited-time offers

Dear Friends:


I was humbled and gratified by the kind compliments I received on the last-minute live video broadcast I spontaneously decided to do two days ago on the Feast of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception (December 8) and delivered ad lib via Facebook Live on my public figure Facebook page.


From now on the schedule for the weekly Skype class on Dom Guéranger's The Liturgical Year and the semiweekly (i.e., twice a week) Facebook Live class on Sr. Mary Consilia O'Brien's book Christian Social Principles will be as follows:

1) Every Wednesday and Saturday evening at 8:30 pm Eastern Time, please go to my "public f... Read more

Date Added: Friday, December 02, 2016

FREE new CD offer extended until midnight THURSDAY

Dear Friends:

As you know, Monday was Cyber Monday -- the online equivalent of last Friday's "Black Friday" sale day at stores.

Read more

Date Added: Monday, November 28, 2016

"Christian Social Principles" reading group tonight, now on Facebook Live!

Dear Friends:

After much deliberation, consultation, and prayer, I have decided to use a different technological medium to communicate the contents — and my commentary thereupon — of the Christian Social Principles book by Sister Mary Consilia O’Brien.
(By the way, a couple of my students have scanned the entire 640-page book into a free PDF that you can download here (just click on the link):

Dear Friends:

As readers of this website know, two Sundays ago I started a Sunday evening discussion group via Skype, the free videoconferencing software, to systematically read through and discuss the practical implications, for our critical moment in political history, of the wonderful book Christian Social Principles by Sister Mary Consilia O'Brien, OP, Ph.D.

I am currently making a major change to that group's structure and the media we're using, in order to accommodate the rapidly growing numbers of those who wish to benefit from this material, so that we can reach hundreds and perhaps thousands with the Church's classic teaching — much misunderstood   

Dear Friends:

Join us tonight (Sunday night, Nov 20) at 8:15 pm Eastern Time as we begin in earnest a FREE online discussion group that will be reading through the magnificently instructive 640-page book Christian Social Principles by Sister Mary Consili... Read more

Date Added: Sunday, November 13, 2016

What to Do on Election Day

Dear Friend:
I'm grateful to everyone who responded to my October 26 post and decided to help me produce the CD I produced last week entitled “Submitting to the Social Kingship of Christ: The Radical Surgery That Alone Can Save America.” Each of those kind supporters has hopefully received his or her copy of the CD by now. (A few actually paid for ten copies, to distribute to family and friends!)<... Read more

Date Added: Monday, November 07, 2016

Submitting to the Social Kingship of Christ: The Radical Surgery That Alone Can Save America

Dear Friends:

Greetings on this solemn feast day of All Souls. What follows is a revised, updated version of the letter that I originally posted here exactly a week ago, on October 26.


B... Read more

Date Added: Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Get Smart! FREE Lessons!


UPDATE: Since none of the dozen or so students who've already signed up for one or more of the classes listed below elected to start in August (they each chose to begin only after Labor Day weekend), I’ve decided to extend the deadline until the end of this month (that’s midnight Eastern Time of this Wednesday, August 31) for people to receive as many FREE lessons as they wish. See the letter below for details.


Date Added: Sunday, March 27, 2016

Just A Reminder


Dear Friends:


Just a reminder that tonight (Friday, March 4, 7:30 pm) I speak in the Houston area on the topic "Three-Dimensional Catholicism: How to Biblically Build a Well-Rounded Faith During These End Times."


The talk is being given at the Courtyard by Marriott, 12655 Southwest Freeway, Stafford TX 77477. (Stafford is ... Read more

Date Added: Friday, March 04, 2016

Lent, Learning to Be Holy, and the Lone Star State


Dear Friends:


In two days, on Ash Wednesday, Lent 2016 will begin. With it comes an opportunity to renew our resolve to become saints (by God’s grace), worthy representatives — indeed, ambassadors of sorts — here on earth of our heavenly King, Our Lord Jesus Christ. I have a couple of suggestions.


As I mentio... Read more

Date Added: Monday, February 08, 2016

What's REALLY in Jeopardy (not on a game show but in reality)

25 Years of Biblical Foundations International:
What We’ve Accomplished, and Why We're Needed Now More Than Ever; plus, “Houston, We Have A Problem": Gerry Matatics is comin’ to town March 2-5.

Dear Friends:

Happy Candlemas Day (aka the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary) on this, the final day of Christmastide, with an early Lent only eight days away. (The 17-day “mini-Lent” Septuagesima season thus overlapped Christmastide this year for ten days.)
Speaking of the imminence of Lent, a TV star recently raved to me — only two days ago — about the t... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Watch Gerry Matatics compete on Jeopardy Jan 26

Dear Friends:

As always, things have been insanely busy here for several weeks now without letup or a chance for me to catch my breath.
Ever since I finally finished mailing out the last of my Christmas cards a couple of days ago I’ve been busy writing a lengthy article to post here on my website commemorating this month’s 25th anniversary of my apologetics/theology/Biblical studies apostolate, Biblical Foundations International (founded January 1981). The article surveys all that we’ve accomplished over the past quarter cent... Read more

Date Added: Thursday, January 21, 2016


(Updated January 11, 2016)


Please forgive me for not having yet posted here the "important announcement" I'd hoped would appear here a few days ago.


As my donors know, each year I send out a handwritten Christmas card and letter to anyone who sends me any donation, large or small, monthly or one-time. Because of my week-long fundraising ... Read more

Date Added: Sunday, December 27, 2015

Special 6-hour Q & A with Gerry Matatics: Buffalo NY area, Oct 24


Dear Friends:


I'm writing in haste to invite you to a special, one-time event that is taking place in the greater Buffalo NY area next Saturday, October 24, 2015, from 12 noon to 6 pm. I’m sorry that I could not give you more notice but the event was only finally put together late last night.


Friends who live in Lockport, New YorkRead more

Date Added: Saturday, October 17, 2015

HOME (BUT NOT ALONE): why the forced cancellation of both my August 51-21 lecture tour & September debate on “unauthorized shepherds” leaves me undaunted


PLEASE read, at the end of my letter below (originally posted August 15), an important addendum added today (August 29), consisting of some clarifications sent me today by Jim Condit, Jr.


ALSO, though I just learned an hour ago (11 am, Saturday, Aug 29) of three more cancelations, I am going forward with tomorrow's talk in Syracuse (mentioned in the following addendum originally posted August 18), as I've already signed the hotel's contract for the meetin... Read more

Date Added: Saturday, August 15, 2015

Gerry speaks on "The End of America"


Dear Friends:

The last twelve months have truly been one of the most excruciatingly difficult periods of my life, for reasons I will more fully explain in subsequent posts. (I had originally intended to elaborate on them in this post, and entitle it "You Tell the Truth, You Pay the Price," but this post is already too lengthy as it is.)
For now, those reasons for my twelve-month tribulation can be briefly summarized as a record-breaki... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Gerry speaks in New England, June 30-July 6


URGENT CANCELLATION NOTICE: As I warned in the June 16 post that appears below, any locale with insufficient numbers of pre-registrants to make giving the talk there financially viable will unfortunately have to be postponed (to be possibly rescheduled at a later date).


As of this writing, the four talks in Warwick, Rhode Island (Providence area), Norwood, Massachusetts (Boston area), Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Auburn, Maine have regrettably been forced to be canceled for this ... Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Biblical Teaching on End-Times Infiltration of the Church

Dear Friends:

Sensible people are rightly skeptical of extreme and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. But Trojan Horse tactics, coups d’état, hostile takeovers, and revolutions are as old as human history. So what should an intelligent, informed person responsibly believe on this subject when it relates to current goings-on in Catholicism? 

Please forgive me, all you who have called, written, or perhaps donated since Christmas, if you have not yet received a reply from me.

I have been inundated with an unusually overwhelming amount of emails, letters, and phone calls, including many urgent requests for help during the past three months.


Read more

Date Added: Sunday, April 05, 2015

Happy Easter

Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

Biblical Foundations International would like to wish all our donors, customers, friends and supporters a Happy and Blessed Easter.

Please look for a new, much lengthier post from me that will replace this one in the next day or two. In it I will bring you up to date about all that we've accomplished during the past three months, as well as about upcoming lecture tours and new talks (beginning next month in Virginia and Maryland, this summer in California and New England, this fall throughout the midwest, and more), new CD sets, our new Internet radio show and new website, etc.

May Almighty God bless you and all your loved ones, both living and deceased.

In Christ our risen King and Mary His rejoicing Mother,

Gerry Matatics 

Date Added: Sunday, April 05, 2015

Merry Christmas

Biblical Foundations International would like to wish all our donors, customers, friends, and supporters a glorious Christmastide and a grace-filled New Year.

May the triumph of His first coming make us work and pray for the even greater triumph of His Second Coming (Mt 6:10; Apoc 22:20). Nothing less than that is our blessed hope, Biblically speaking (Titus 2:13), which will bring the triumph of His Mother's Immaculate Heart.

May Almighty God grant you and all your loved ones all the graces necessary to know and do His will in these days of diabolical deception (1 Tim 4:1). God bless you, now and always!   

In Christ our Newborn King and Mary His Queen Mother,

Gerry Matatics 

Date Added: Friday, December 26, 2014

Last chance for FREE Christmas shipping!

Dear Friends:

Some people associate Christmas with giving and receiving such gifts as sweaters, scarves, and other articles of clothing; jewelry; gift cards to one's favorite restaurants or stores; big screen TVs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs, smartphones or tablets, computers, video games, or other electronic goodies; food baskets of exotic meats, cheeses, cookies, or chocolates; vacations to ski resorts, warm beaches, or big-name theme parks.

Not that there's anything wrong per se with any of these things. But is there anything more important to give to those we care about at this holy season of the Incarnation than the gift of Catholic truth?Read more

Date Added: Saturday, December 20, 2014

New CDs arrive in store; what the future holds


Dear Friends,

I thought I was insanely busy during July. But August is proving to be twice as jam-packed and challenging!

Dear Friends:

I envy those for whom summer represents a slight slackening of their workload, or perhaps even the chance to take a tiny vacation.
My summers are always the busiest time of my year (and that's saying a lot!). One measure of just how incredibly busy I've been is the fact that, until today, I haven't even had a spare minute to update my website since May 16 -- two months ago today!
Read more

Date Added: Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mary's Month & the Deep Mysteries of the Rosary

Dear Friends:

Catholics all over the world daily turn to God in prayer for various needs, large and small.

They may need help in overcoming some chronic and tenacious sin or addiction.

They may be struggling with doubts about their Faith, or feel angry with God about the current crisis.

They may be unemployed, or need to change their job, or relocate to another part of the country.

They may struggle with debt or other financial difficulties.

They may have serious health problems, or marital discord they wish to heal, family or friends they wish to see embrace the Faith or children who have drifted from the... Read more

Date Added: Friday, May 16, 2014

Deadline on free CDs offer extended one week to Saturday, May 10

The following letter is a revised version of the letter posted here last week (April 30), now updating and extending this special one-time offer's deadline to Saturday, May 10.  

Dear Friends:

Last month I returned from an 11-day lecture tour of California and Arizona. A CD recording of that talk, "As It Was in the Days of Noah: The Startling Parallels between the Cultural Collapse Preceding the Primeval Flood and Our Own Turbulent Times -- And What to Do About It," is forthcoming.

Other soon-to-be-released new CDs will include:

"Dark Day of Double Deception (The Lowest of Low Sundays)Read more

Date Added: Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Updated On: August 2nd, 2006

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January 25th, 2025

Donations are to Gerry Matatics as a speaker and writer, dba ("doing business as") Biblical Foundations International (BFI). BFI is not a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, and donations to it are not tax deductible as such.

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Date Added: Monday, November 04, 2019

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Date Added: Tuesday, October 29, 2019